Shanksville, PA




Demolishing Buildings and Removing Debris
in Shanksville, PA

Professional Demolition Team

S&S Excavating is the expert when it comes to demolition projects in Shanksville, PA, and the surrounding areas. Demolition requires the experts to come in and perform the job. A task as large as demolition can be dangerous and be challenging for people to do by themselves. At S&S Excavating, we come in with our professional team and provide you with quick and effective demolition service for your industrial, residential, or commercial property.

If you need demolition services on the property of your home or business, give us a call at (814) 267-6010.

Certified Demolition Experts in Shanksville, PA

S&S Excavating has been providing the Shanksville and surrounding areas of Pennsylvania and Maryland with demolition services for over 30 years. We are certified professionals who have the equipment needed to perform large tasks that can be unsafe and difficult for people to perform by themselves. You can trust us to get the job done quickly and correctly. We will come to your industrial, residential, and commercial area to give you a quote within 24 hours. We pride ourselves on having competitive prices. If you are in the need of demolition services at a good price, call (814) 267-6010.

Some of the Services We Provide Include, But Are Not Limited To:

Providing Demolition Services Around Pennsylvania & Maryland

S&S Excavating will provide you with our services anywhere in the Shanksville, PA, and surrounding areas. We do ask for a fee depending on what equipment we use on your project and how far we have to travel to get to you. Our excavators have the tools and knowledge needed to provide you with a quote and to start your project quickly. S&S Excavating will travel to areas in Maryland and Western Pennsylvania to provide demolition services: 

Western PA


S&S Excavating

P.O. Box 43, Shanksville, PA 15560

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